"Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples!"[Psalm 96:3]


March 2015

Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.” Matthew 16:24-25

In other words, Let Jesus take the wheel in your life. If we are driving the car we are not going to make it. Please let God!

We have made great progress toward completing the Fellowship hall in Window Rock, AZ for the Navajo Reservation. Wayne and Dorothy Mitchell, along with Rev. Stephens committed to this project four years ago. With God’s grace and your generous donations of lumber and flooring, we are more than halfway finished! We are committed to completing this much needed improvement for our brothers and sisters on the reservation. The next phase of the project is insulation and sheetrock. We need $19,000 for materials and gifts of love to help with travel expenses.

God called Brother Wayne Mitchell home before we could complete this project and keep our promise. Please make any gifts in honor of Brother Wayne and we will continue this task in the Lord’s Work.

Future Projects:

Reynosa, Mexico kitchen repair project: $1,300 (estimated spring 2025)

Window Rock, AZ Fellowship Hall: $19,000 (planned May 25th, 2025)

Nuevo Laredo, Mexico: Church building damaged in Tornado, $40,000 (start spring 2025)

Upper church parsonage add-on ($2,500)

Thank you for all you do for the Lord and this ministry!

in His service,

Gene Trulock


Lifeline Ministries, Inc.
525 S. West Street, Bainbridge, GA 39819
Phone 229.228.5051   Fax 229.246.8007